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  • We have placed over 2800 Sales Professional including Sales Leaders across 27 countries
  • Our core geographic markets are UK & I, EMEA , APAC and the US
  • We build strong relationships with only the top performing Sales Executives and Sales Leaders in todays market.
  • Our clients typically are on a huge growth curve or looking for one of two specific top quality sales hires or leaders
  • We have great reach into both public and private sector and deploy only consultants with domain / industry knowledge in each vertical we cover.
  • We have delivered on 100% of our retained assignment to date.
  • We have delivered on 100% on exclusive contingency assignment to date
  • We have delivered on 89% on sales contingency assignments to date.
  • Our approach means that we are working exclusively with the best sales talent in the market not on the market.
  • We have a superior sales talent network that stems back 32 years.
  • We have the most aggressive, forward thinking, hard working team that pride themselves on nothing but delivery

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