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At Marlin Standard we know where to find the executives you need and we harness our expertise to attract the very best talent to your organisation . As an emerging force in Executive Search & Selection we build deep relationships with the world’s most talented individuals to ultimately build winning leadership teams for global organisations. We strive to understand all we can about your organisation to gain a deep insight into what kind of leader will be most effective for you. We work tirelessly to help you attract the top talent and to proactively fulfill your strategic business objectives. In the high-stakes competition for the very best talent Marlin Standard will not let you down.

Our goal is to be true advisers to our clients in Sale sand Sales leadership functions during all phases of the search. We strive always to exceed client expectations by following a tried and trusted formula which includes 6 main phases.

1. Identify search priorities.
2. Determine search strategy.
3. Attract and evaluate candidates.
4. Present a qualified shortlist of candidates for interview.
5. Complete search to customer expectations.
6. Ensure Candidate is onboarded and in line to deliver value.

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